Kullanım Kılavuzları
e13*2001/116*0170*02 3. La reeeption: The approval is: extended 4. La r'Oception est accorcUe conFormement it Partide 8, paragraphe 2, paint e), et la rbeeption n'est valable que jusqu'au: The approval is granted in accordance with Article S(2)(e) and the validity of the approval is thus limited to: not applicable Lieu: Place: Sandweiler Date: Date: 08 aoOt 2007 Signature: Signature: Pour le Ministre des Transports Pour la SNCH "k7ont Eti Paul SCHMIT Claude LIESCH Commissaire du Gouvernement Conseifier de Direction Annexes: Attachments: not applicable NB: NB: not applicable GENERAL MOTOR T • RKIY E LTD ŞTI Yetkili Ma ühendisi S K Od Yetki o: Af' 1460 Page 3 of 10 n S