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350Z.qxp 10.04.2008 11:57 Page 164 SIEMENS Autamolive Systems Manulaclae. Address, Semene AG A aernoWe Sysı,ons Group Acele, Gaılrel & Secunhc Vı'emenuerksfroseu D.23045 Regensburg Germany Name C W E:3113:3.11,02 ,e5Se ee,3,3:34E.e.321 ıereM, e Se-hers Autnrrıetke Af Pcgchs., 05.11.2.L:e 02 93o0a R..33e2s7,2 8-10 Teknik Bilgi -EH SIEMENS Veren Fee,ma 3,mgeneer elem.eırE3ı AT BE AS 51 3 Ni ..es,:e3.41,202.355. Eıx. —rijeeş3,1:20,9.5. ENıel erpe..E3.ıneeıalserense, Yeme Lettee Dere ınaı al 31 EC Declaralion ai Conformity accordIng ta Annem Il ot Iıirectiee tae5l5rEC le.133ule.emer Seemen3A.Ilonıorive AG Access Control & Sewmy Syseern, AJdross. Wernerxerkslıssee 2 0-932.12 Regensburg Germany Rrodlcc type des:encı CIWKa 5681 Intended use: Recee■er Tem pretluel meolloned ebove cornplles Ise h Ihe lot lawing European 22 teneke: 1999,5/EC: 0,exceve o! lbe Euroaeen Peri is.rnent and cl the Councı I an ralm equipment and 12 lecommuntcattene eırninal equipment and the mutual reengne 1.1.3 31 mei!. ıc;crt...umly.c1eted 9111Mar2h 1922. We, the undeıni,emle neee by derime, .31 neer ateuvrenElneele03E:clue: wmplas neer .31 redio tes! surtes uccerdru Annee Il ol DirectivelP99'24EC.. reael ieshowe • test report.. 27022351.1nA993 -tost report..., B303,3130. 0E1E97 Issue,lby the accredited test labo[acorp rh. cludde Semene Auterunüce AG Regenebürg..ut 2U01 .„4,ce'PresıdenlenOGenwel Mer ege. Access Control & Socı.arLySystecns Slaınene Auesnıotive AG TY,W-LVE AG U rieh Scnrey D reel.. Dever2pmenı Aceess Comrcl & Securliy5Nsle-ne errE 3,513 ere in,ener. rene. 3.nreeMeneet., Eleıree.Meça Enır Nr,3313çıenmee leem,e-em, re' BE 4E 92 •42t0;eaq20,-3.a reEM,r61-11:2372.21 E Mai M emr.emereereene.... Ecer13 r ol., uer 31 reMOC De. .133-04:13 EC Deelanalion al Corglorrnlly eceeıdir,2 la &neee Il of DtrMlve 192215/EC ocren tlea7naerı,. SW5(48521 r 5523 The product mentiened aleve complles with ihe fattaıeıng Eu re poen Otıe,nee: 19911150ECt 13Irretive af 13e Puısaaan Per.lamert ard of 2,c 0,311101e, nden riner,erıl and telecarhrnUn.caıınr.e larrr equipment and Ihe molua reas.2nrho^ ol 19, emnIcre., mtae Sth March. 199e. 'Ac, ela cııders:ge.ed. hersb2 daire thel mar elıcoce-menticrıed p.odurIcompie, weh .92.1E11 radin test sernes annmedrgm reeneer Il el 1299/5'LG Pıoofrs sheryn tost report rp. F-00105-F-PU0H, en,E3 re: the acc.odised rest lel,...), 5.emmıs Aulerne,c LUC Ce -1,er ac,ording le İ-OTO 300200,12V1933. ıı'l. 9 PL.,■=4 e O 0.10e9. ienre ...e ler3weır E -Me:Ormıntıe. 13.1... Ppe.3 meme., SIEM.ENS~r,ser.sclıe-fr Bereieb Aulernchil:ac!, "1,3E1100.2 e 12 2309 RegensbUrg ı,V,. /{.,. ▪ Se,cy 04.22 Peen,p.rrterd Sicrnans Aldieegeseksclea Regensburg, 13.09.2200 1;1 Matscl, Vı President ana General Manager • flecı ara,orı ot Cenlorrc.:y neee neme An,ex In el Gıreeecce klarc'eeturec sleneıs AG Acem., 3 Pee2r12, Acheese. 22042. Fegens,ı2 Gem., • eI3,1!je Neme 5,5,K.,..585 Tele ~ur/ men:içere, necere- eornpl.3 me,3113e ,ollowılng European Girec,n, 'art ec ı2e.cmprer ■el,co-r.m..ıcc,2Ions ler, ce, equeccne, 2m1:1, mı.ljnI .erogrı2ie, oi .he r nwş.rıs 9111 1319, mel.ınerrıgree ,eciare c MS9ennal ıdoo 1E31 emme. eer,.3 },,,3313-22.'S Pcol s erıow.e • 2C2 222. ,c2,222 • :ceı 2:5070,525. .1'2 222 ,e2 cLıusc .sseed tbe ,est lac-ı,elıArz cECıru 11-1,311.131nEnı ✓ee Pri,d, 1 er, -13,1E31 V2naler Accen% Conuci & Sec,,.. Systeme Slerneas Automo.rive AG C,n3n: A,cc. & eeee. 3e2,4Feeeeleer .19 ile,ENE 0 neee,' neme.ı.eı SIEMENS