Kullanım Kılavuzları
TÜV Kraftfahrt GmbH TÜV Rheinland Group Accreditation: Test Report No.: 82-70/156-50007/05 DAR KBA-P 00010-96 TÜV Manufacturer : Nissan Europe S.A.S. Type : Z33 2 Test minutes 2.1 Approval verification of the The certificates mentioned in the list of approval numbers separate directives according to are in compliance with the requirements of the separate Annex V, No. 1 a), 2001/116/EC directives. Remarks 2.2 Verification according to Annex The characteristics and data of the vehicles in the above V, no. 1. b), 2001/116/EC mentioned information docurnent are in compliance with the description mentioned in the approval documents according to the separate directives. Remarks 2.3 Verification according to Annex = The test equipment used was in compliance with the V, no. 1. c), 2001/116/EC requirements of the directive. (incl. vehicles with HMSL) test vehicle vehicle certificate compliance remarks variant / version approval numher A, B / A02, B02 e9*70/157*1999/101*1229*03 yes --- A, B / A02, B02 e2*70/220*2003/76B*05074*00 yes -- A, B / A02, B02 e 1 *70/221*2000/8*1143*02 yes Fuel tank A, B / A02, B02 el *70/221*2000/8*1145*02 yes Rear underrun protection A, B / A02, B02 el *70/222*0314*01 yes --- A, B / A02, B02 el *70/311*1999/7*0753*02 yes --- A, B / A02, B02 e 1 *70/387*2001/31*0227*01 yes --- A, B / A02, B02 el *70/388*87/354*0376*02 yes --- A, B / A02, B02 el*71/127*88/321*0805*02 yes --- A, B / A02, B02 El 13H R-000123, Ext. 3 yes --- A, B / A02, B02 e13*72/245*95/54*1887*03 yes --- A, B / A02, B02 e 1 *74/60*20( 0/4*0236*02 yes --- A, B / A02, B02 e1*74/61*95/56*0467*01 yes --- A, B / A02, B02 e 1*74/297*91/662*0211*02 yes --- A, B / A02, B02 e 1 *74/408*96/37*0449*02 yes --- A, B / A02, B02 el *74/483*87/354*0333*02 yes --- A, B / A02, B02 e 1 *75/443*97/39*0853*02 yes --- A, B / A02, B02 el*76/114*87/354*0308*01 yes A, B / A02, B02 el*76/115*96/38*0468*02 yes - A, B / A02, B02 el*76/756*97/28*0368*02 yes --- TÜV Kraftfahrt GmbH Technologiezentrum Verkehrssicherheit Page 3 TOV Rheinland Group Typprütstelle Fahrzeuge/Fahrzeugteile Am Grauen Stein, D-51105 Köln (Pont)