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GİRİŞ VE GÜVENLİK ÖNLEMLERİ D A N G E R CLOSELY FOLLOW THE INSTRUC- TOWING: TIONS FOR TRACTOR USE NOTED Only tow using the tow bar and BELOW. never hitch towing cables or In the event of improper use, the trac-chains to the raised or lowered roll tor may tip over. bar. The roll bar should only be lowered Use of the roll bar and safety belt for specific tasks: with the roll bar greatlyreducesthe riskof injuryor lowered the driver is totally unpro- death in the event of the tractor tected. overturning. Do not use the safety belt with the Always secure the roll bar in posi- roll bar lowered. tion with the pins. Raise and secure the roll bar immedi- ately after having finished the spe- cific task with the roll bar lowered. 9. Yeri: Güvenlik çerçevesinin üst kısmında. UYARI: BU PLAKADA BELIRTILEN TRAKTÖR KULLANIMINA DAIR TALIMATLARI YAKINDAN IZLEYINIZ WARNING AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM LIQUID UNDER PRESSURE DO NOT DISCONNECT PIPING WARNING HOSING SERVICING, REPAIRS Carefully read the Use and Maintenance Manual OR RECHARGING MUST BE before starting, using, carrying out maintenance, refuel- ling or performing other operations on the tractor. BY NEW HOLLAND Observe the safety norms and precautions to avoid dan- CARRIED OUT EXCLUSIVELY ger and protect your health. PERSONNEL REFRIGERANT TYPE: R134a 10. Yeri: Operatörün CAPACITY : 0.8 Kg - kabinli modellerde :sağ yan pencerede. -güvenlik çerçeveli modellerde :sol çamurluk üzerinde 11. Yeri: Sol pencerede 1-16