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Şekil 41. Çeşit A Packet Host Kartındaki Fabrika Tarafından ayarlanmış Bujiler JP1 • • - • J JP2 O JP3 JP4 JP5 [3 2 (Factory 1 set: pin 2 to pin 3) JP6 il o D I=1 D on O. • Packet Host Card (Type B) Jumpers Jumper Purpose Settings Factory Setting JP1 Fluke Enable (jumper on) Disable (jumper off) Disable (jumper off)) JP2 Pal/3S7 Enable (jumper on) Disable (jumper off) Disable (jumper off) JP3 Pal/Prog Enable (jumper on) Disable (jumper off) Disable (jumper off) JP4 Write Protect Enable (jumper on) Disable (jumper off) Disable (jumper off) JP5 Watchdog Timer Enable (pin 2 to Pin 3 Enable (pin 2 to pin 3) Disable (pin 1 to pin 2) JP6 Clock Enable (jumper on) Disable (jumper off) Disable (jumper off) 31