Kullanım Kılavuzları
Kurulan Yazilim ile ilgili Telif Hakki Bilgileri - RSA is no longer included, found in the OpenSSL library - IDEA is no longer included, its use is depre cated - DES is now external, in the OpenSSL library - GMP is no longer used, and instead we call BN code from OpenSSL - Zlib is now external, in a library - The make-ssh-known-hosts s cript is no longer included - TSS has been removed - MDS is now external, in the OpenSSL library - RC4 support has been replaced with ARC4 support from OpenSSL - Blowfish is now external, in the OpenSSL library [The licence continues] Note that any information and cryptographi c algorithms used in this software are publicly available on the Internet and at any major bookstore, s cientifi c library, and patent offi ce worldwide. More information can be found e.g. at "http://www. cs.hut.fi/crypto". The legal status of this program is some combination of all these permissions and restri ctions. Use only at your own responsibility. You will be responsible for any legal consequences yourself; I am not making any claims whether possessing or using this is legal or not in your country, and I am not taking any responsibility on your behalf. NO WARRANTY BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO 9 WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. 293