R&TTE Declaration of Conformity (DoC)
We, Shenzhen Soruiter Communication Equipment Co.,Ltd
Address: No. 3 building, Qiundai road, Jiangling, Ping Shan town, Longguang District, Shenzhen, China
Te1: 0086-755-89937087 Fax: 0086-755-89937317
Website: www.soruiter.com
declare under our sole responsibility that the product:
product name: Corded Telephone
trade name: MU LTITEK
type or model: N1520
to which this deciaration relates is in conformity with the essential requırements and other
relevant requirements of the R&TTE Directive (1999/5/EC).
The product is compliant with the following standards and/or other normative documents:
SAFETY (art 3.1.a): EN 60950-1:2001 + A11:2004 (Report Number:E06050075)
EMC (art 3.1.b): EN55022:1998 + A1:2000+A2:2003 (Report number:E0605007E)
EN55024:1998 + A1:2001+A2:2003 (Report number:E0605007E)
Place and ç (of this DoC): Shenzhen,China 2007-12-28
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