Kullanım Kılavuzları
R&TTE Declaration of Conformity (DoC) ahre, PEAKSOUND ELECTRONIC CO LTD 180 INDUSTRYAREA, HENCCANG TC" LONGCANG SHENZHER CLIANCooNG. CHINA Tel 86-755 84708028 Fax 88-755 8470802.8 doolare under our sole responsgallity that the product: nrodeot name: Corded Telephone trade narre: MULTITEK type er model. NID30 towhlch thls declaralion ‹elates is in confortnity with the essonlial requirBments and olher releverrit requiremerrts of the R&TTE Directive trI69S/5/EC}. The product is compliant with the following standards and/or other normalde documents: SAFETY (art 3.1.a): EN 601350-1:2001 •A11:2004 (FIle Number,E0608124S) EMC(art 3.1.6),EN/55022:18E3 .A1:2000-,A2:2093 (Re Igırn0enE0608124E) EN55024.18980A1:2001+A22003 (lale Nurnh0E0608124E) Place and date of issue (ot thls Dee): Shenzhen,China 21307-113-23 SIgned hy for the manufacturee Naıne . LV CHeiN LIN Tale, General Manager - 7