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• LCA 51 0626 001 09 - Page 3 UNITEKS GIDA TEKSTIL MOTORLU ARACLAR SAN. VE TIC. A.S. information doeurnent •23021 4-TORRO-100-D:i ApOcaklon daIe lune fili, 202'8 2.0021241EC ANNEX Il fNFORMATION DOCUMENT °il PART 1 A. INFORMATION RELATING JOINTLY TO MOPEDS, MOTOR CYCLES, MOTOR TRICYCLES AND QUADRICYCLES 0. Generral O 1 Maks. MOTORNN, FUEGO 0.2. Type (state any possıble va rIants TORRO-10.0 and versions: caG19 vadant.ancl each ve2sıon rnust be dentifed by a conhg of ntımberG or ri.a.mbination (.5f Ifitt:±m and numbeN) Var.panta n 0.21 Corrımeroa hame (where TORR0400 applicable) 113: Ivleans of type IdentiricatIon If Qhoractrs 4 to 9 of VIN staded on vehrde (1'3 O.3.1 LocatIon of ttat Imam. of punched ın ce2ır right frarne Itıte and Edrffoficalorl manufacturers plare O.4. Vehiole oategory L3e. 0.5 Name and eddresa saf UNİTEKs u110A TEK sT1L MoToRLO ARAÇLAR rnahuNoturer SAN, VE De. A. 1V039 SOKAK No: 2.5 AUŞB TURKEY 0.5.1 Name() and addresseN) af tnilTEKS OIDA TEK8TIL mOToRLu AR ACLA.F assembq plants SAN, VE TIC. sol4A+ No: 3o AOSE1 CIGLI - lzuıg. TuRNEY 0.6 Nahle and addrss of na manufacturar's authorked represenzative, ıf ary O 7 Locatıon and metriod of affıx ng• Rıveted on the lef# sıde of the steering head Etalırrory insdriptıofts te ltıe chaesis O_71 The sena I nurribemg of ttıe N'pe NMMCEFA15 " 7 7A1CIOCI01 begıns w,.rn No The rhnth character means cheek ııu rrılr caloulated autornalically by VIN-print systern, possible eharacter Including: "0,1,23,4,5,5,7,8 9,X' todrawinğ No.TOIRRO-100-45 118. Posdion and rnethod ot aftlxıng Mark on tlıe surface of ne comporrent and made the component type-approval by moldıng mark for corriponerıts and -3-