DE-24932 Flensburg
Nummer der Genehmigung: el*2001/116*0501*02
Approval No.:
The undersigned hereby certifies the accuracy of the manufacturer's description in the
attached information document of the vehicle(s) described above (e sample(s) having been
selected by the approval authority and submitted by the manufacturer as prototype(s) of the
vehicle type and that the attached test results are applicable ta the vehicle type.
Der Fahrzeugtyp erfüllt die technischen Anforderungen eller einschlgigen in Anhang IV der
Richtlinie 70/156/EWG vorgeschriebenen Einzelrichtlinien,
The vehicle type meets the technical requirements of all the relevant separate Directives as
prescribed in Annex IV to Directive 70/156/EEC.
Die Typgenehmigung wird er t e ilt
Type-approval is g rant ed
Ort: DE-24932 Flensburg
Datum: 20,08.2009
Unterschrift: im Auftrag