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Ali prvducce of W,,KIEL A.Ş. are •sIcknI~ and rnen..daclured ın en EN ISO 12000-20M and EN- ISO 1.1001 rer1ifed rarmr4 recon MAKSAY A 8 CE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY c E rir4RI50110114irer "gılAKSAY A. Addre ı Isbktal Mh Fevzi Çakmak Cd Na40 Kıraç Eaanytal Istanbul Ttakay Parene 490 212 6E19 52 50 Fax 1-80 212 669 52 60 Web ffixstr rnakel exen.11- MaI info&nak-say.cOrn herety dec arca thet Ihe ser ı1 nurnber and orada avallable bir IMe diete notlfled ithal the prgduR t eceerelini to the noter below Model EC Type Examinaticm Notifle4 Body IdentirıCatiOn Certilltcate Num bar Neme and I.Iurnher C410.KMY.54:1151 SX11 - 034 M14:03 C410.KMY.2254 5/0 1 - 034 Emı-Citı3 SLOVAX LEGAL METROLOGY SLM C410,KMY.,2281 SK1 1 — 034 1.11-003 1432 C410.KMV.2211 .1(11 — 034 MI-003 Approval of OulıFity SKıc-Cil6D SLOVAK LEGAL ME.TROLOGY Assuranr..a of the SuM Pr exlucti on PraCe$9 1432 Eurxilpeprı tklreetives Reference no, Tille 2004r22./EC, lamtstekrıp Intaurnertt ~G with arnanding 21:109?.137oEC ı 2000.1115,IEC tlecti-Kaıl Equiprnanl - Lola vomage ~eILTVE 2004r10iWEEC 51acuornagnetc Comparlibilıty 2008/765/EC CE rnarking 1NELMEC ; 2.2092 Selbrane Gu-sw i 'seve dj WELNIEC 8.0 Issue 1 Cen.kammy cıl !ile Gualrly Syuernı ce Manuraumara 7662008/EC Decishon European standards. Standard Trils EN 5047C-1:200G Electiorly mil:ening equfflment N...c.1 Pan 1 GeneraI requınenenta, Meb and lesı wrıirlıons Maiering equipment Masa indeıeb A. I3 and C) , EN 50470-3:2 DEIE. Ejectnoh, metefing equOman1 (a.c ) Part 3 Padiroılar ~lents - Sietz metetre N. 91 d hle anprOp CLIIRS Wıde:n d C EN 6205343-2046 Eiecteicity =tering equipnefle Ilaç ) Parlicıeer recuirannents Part 23 Siatic rralers for Reacliwit energy (claasas 2 and 31 Yaar al CE ~dna gain. 2011 I • Istanbul ,'&ıgılature Data: 22.02 2011 Mehmet G. /Quolıty 1111ârUger isli1dol Mh Fevzi Gaktmik. C. Nızi-40 Kira %erinin Int:anı:ki Tudory Tel: 406 212 580 52 50 : Fax. +90212 689 52 50 1711111EL envar.rrıskel.ixim.Rr