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Wall Mounting (Picture 2 Onty use power cords according la national srandards. Your sievice has mail mouniing aoaratus with seli in grn box.Please cheok ıl .Fierrıowe the 4 sorew ırorn ilie connection cover and retease it by pushingıl upwards. Now 'hit the heater downwards. Fiernernbering ta observe rninirnurn distances. rnar-k the positkins ol Il'e hdes into whioh dowels are io be inmderl Irem rniddle ıo rniddle: advice ciirnension kır it olease see tabie and piciure. MODEL 103 28811 H8 2886 ı ICS 2587 103 288B Duvara Montaj Mesafe aratigi (L) 750 rnrn • 750 mi 1350 miii 950 rant Baciç Side ot the device has 2 metal wall motalhog parl by monhaged on ii ibese paris rnusı have fixed by 2 $CreW with olasirc head .And again you wili lind ta 2 more metal fixıng park in the gilli box.These paris rnusl have fixed lagethet with other metat fixing paris by screw and nut writh wing alsa Aller tlıu dowels have heen ınserted. atiach hile heaier. But in ini* time haatar rnuat be excaliy horlıoniftlı Aftan assembly yolu can arrange le heater viteich posibon is %Mol* ler you. pubee Connection ta Man Supoty Immo E ConneCt ilie lead io the outiel in accordance wın rrıancs L and N and earth fr Salety MOrie wevi I reaSCN1S ıl ks essential Ro conneel ilieearth İmre as viell.Atierwards. ini ihe heateT upwards. Position it la lind the Olast angle and tighıen the pivot aorews. Me3 nutwinwIng Fon the coneçon et the 2 live vvires le the main electricity supiAy. cenneti the live phase ms ser« with wping hıı1ıd lo the symbol L andlhe neutral io the syrnbol N The earthing had k connected ta the earth syrnbol Instruction for Lise Yolu work or dese the applionce you must turn(rrıax Ör nen posdion )the theırrıostaı knob. Please caretul that it has beeri insielled and used in correct places lo maks use of your dev« wilh optireeı level If you use and running Ii in the i.nner area .device should not see ta ouler areas as window baloorry Il you do acı u se your deviçe for long time or when you indwe it to another plade, please be sure il rnusı be plug out and cooled down. Customer ss stance: The se heater contain no oustorner serwiCeable paris ellier [han assemely paris Thereiore please conlact your Peaier on retaller in ıhe evenı ıl ıs dellecirve er you wish to have iı repairedd subject 10 Ile terms ot Ile warranty.