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Wein 1+illuunting Fİcture2Ş YOur CleviOe h8ı_ wıllı rinourrking apeAlLIS Self girl box. PlealSe cheol% Flefrıewe the 4 .aUelm. trOnnı #I1B CPrInıe.Gt101-1 Cerver and rel6ıRs-e Pt tısr riu31-111-hig i1 upwards. Now 1it the heatfir downwardG.. Rrn rb9rıqto obs-gfve rninimum iSstianoes, mıark.11-prd pesi1iaıns of the holciE.,-iııtowhich dowols @f4g. to tHo ins€Ifted frıorn nıiddlet ni:cidia: adviLe di.rrıerı icııı rtpasa se [abla a.n.d ıclıuffi. MODEL KS 2590 i KS 2595 KS 2'600 KS 2.606 . RS 2-510 Wall inLIM' ng dislarıck M 460-5.130 mrın r- 480_560 rnm 460-560 rnm 460-560 rrırn 560-660 rrrn Ratk sb21.e of !he 121.1.4n has 2 rnelel %vali rfibunting part by rnı:Frytaged bn rt. These Fıarts rnust have flıAd bv. 2 S.C.~- turtil metal heatil..And again yDu [Nin tü rrıöre metal ırbg pari in 1ha gpft bit«. These parts rnust have fixed lagelher unth Dth er ırnelal hxing paris by screvır and nut [with wıng also. fılifter the C1~918 aVI beerk iıiı3erted, atu,Horı 119e herrter But in Pos time heater muot be excaily bortzetirtse. Arker essernbıy you izın arrange le heater wılrch Oo8rtla.n i8 sılıbible for 5101.1 P08:iii0f1 ırt tO. timi the b.w eingıe Sınd icı hien the pivot SorewS Insin] ction tor IJSH YOLIwnrk Of 1310Se the appliance you rnıı1 ilim (imam or miın position) th e the rrnostel. knetp. Plwha eiglıffiful that rt 1ai been iritailed and used .cıirre1 pti dr m ıgık ıı ıcılyour dayieigp with Giprlirml kr4 If !fobi do not Lise your deı.,e for long time or when you ımove it to arı °the.- place, please be sure it muıst be plug bır" and .rocıi ed AagitalılCe: GUEN1fflıı:U. NEW TheSe heklAr Ebrla.rı froı Cııteırne.r Srvıbeable parIS cYlher aSe rılbly paırtS. Thırf5r. EıfTTERFLT hILrT pleaSe cohtaci your dealor or Hıtailor iri Iho °yeni t is de1ec1 or you wish lo hava it ,IET.İL E KuTF11:4143 repaired aubje0ı to the lenTı3 of the vıırarranıty 2.1 r. 0,Lıgı GCREIN 5 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com