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PAGE: 11/23 K U BOTA MODEL INFORMATION DOC UMENT Issue Date: 16 May. 2009 Corporation No.: B8-2003/37-00 Type: B8 Revision No.: --- Revi. Date: --- 5. Axles 5.1. Descr/pt/on of each axle axle F: supported to frame w/th lock/ng free axle R: supported to ma/n chass/s r/g/dly 5.2. Make (where appropr/ate) KUBOTA 5.3. Type (where appropr/ate) axle F: lockable type axle R: r/g/d type 6. Suspension 6.1. Extreme (max/mum-m/n/mum) see annex 6.1. tyre/wheel comb/nat/ons (/f any) (d/mens/ons, character/st/cs, /nflat/on pressure for road use, max/mum perm/ss/ble load, wheel d/mens/ons and front/rear comb/nat/ons) 6.2. Type of suspens/on (/f f/tted) for each not equ/pped axle or wheel 6.2.1. Level adjustment (yes / no / opt/onal) not equ/pped 6.2.2. Br/ef descr/pt/on of the not equ/pped electr/cal/electron/c components (/f any) 6.3. Other dev/ces (/f any) not equ/pped 7. Steering (descriptive diagram) 7.1. Steer/ng category (manual/power- power ass/sted ass/sted/servo steer/ng) 7.1.1. Revers/ble dr/v/ng pos/t/on (descr/pt/on) not equ/pped 7.2. Transm/ss/on and control 7.2.1. Type of steer/ng and transm/ss/on hydraul/c power ass/sted (spec/fy for front and rear, /f appl/cable) for front 7.2.2. L/nkage to the wheels (/nclud/ng other steer/ng wheel —control un/t — p/tman-arm - than mechan/cal means; spec/fy for drag l/nk — knuckle arm - t/e rod — axle case front and rear, /f appl/cable) Br/ef descr/pt/on of the electr/cal / not equ/pped electron/c components (/f any) 7.2.3. Method of power ass/stance, /f any hydraul/c power ass/stance