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PAGE: 1/23 K U BOTA MODEL INFORMATION DOC UMENT Issue Date: 16 May. 2009 Corporation No.: B8-2003/37-00 Revision No.: --- Type: B8 Revi. Date: --- ACCORDING TO ANNEX I OF EC-DIRECTIVE 2003/37/EC — 2006/96/EC FOR AGRICULTURAL OR FORESTRY TRACTORS, THEIR TRAILERS AND INTERCHANGEABLE TOWED MACHINERY, TOGETHER WITH THEIR SYSTE MS, CO MPONENTS AND SEPARATE TECHNICAL UNITS. EC Type-Approval (Simplified information document: MODEL B) 0. GENERAL 0.1. Make(s) (trade mark reg/stered by the KUBOTA manufacturer) 0.2. Type (spec/fy any var/ants and vers/ons) Type B8 Covered Var/ants Var/ant(s) (*) B2420D-F Explanat/on of var/ant cod/ng B2420 Trade name of veh/cle w/th eng/ne type D1105-EU5 D Mechan/cal transm/ss/on F Foldable rear ROPS 0.2.0 S/tuat/on /n relat/on to f/n/sh/ng of the for complete veh/cle veh/cle 0.2.1 Trade names see 0.2. 0.3. Means of /dent/f/cat/on of type, /f see annex 0.3. marked on the veh/cle 0.3.1. Manufacturer's plate (locat/on and front r/ght s/de, 4 r/vets method of aff/x/ng) 0.3.2. Chass/s /dent/f/cat/on number (locat/on) stamped on front r/ght s/de of frame 0.4. Category of veh/cle T2 0.5. Name and address of manufacturer KUBOTA Corporat/on, 1-2-47, Sh/k/tsu- H/gash/, Nan/wa-ku, Osaka, 556-8601, JAPAN 0.6. Locat/on of and method of aff/x/ng 4 r/vets front r/ght s/de of tractor frame statutory plates and /nscr/pt/ons see annex 0.3. (photographs or draw/ngs)