TÜV Rheinland Luxemburg
Test Report No.: 81-2003/37-89785/09
Type : B8
Manufacturer : Kubota Corporation
Suppression of Radio Interference (75/322/EEC – 2006/96/EC) Enclosure 4
1. Test object(s) and general test information
1.1. Test object(s) : Vehicle No. 1
- sort : vehicle/component/separate technical unit
1.2. Special devices for the purpose of Annex :none
IV (broadband) to this Directive
1.3. Electric system related voltage : 12V, negative ground
1.4. Type of body work : ROPS
1.5. List of electronic system installed in the :not applicable
tested vehicle(s) not limited to the items in
the information document
2. Test results
2.1. Radiated broadband electromagnetic :not applicable (The vehicle type did not have any spark-ignition
emissions systems or electric motors)
2.2. Radiated narrowband electromagnetic :The vehicle did not include an electronic oscillator with an operating
emissions frequency greater than 9 kHz, and therefore was deemed to comply
with paragraph 6.3.2 of Annex I and with Annex V.
2.3 Immunity Test
Test method :The vehicle was subject to electromagnetic fields as
described in Annex VI.
Specified frequency range : 20 to 1000 MHz
Tested frequency points (MHz) : 27, 45, 65, 90, 120, 150, 190, 230, 280, 380, 450, 600,
750, 900
Field strength :above 30 V/m
Test results:
At the above-mentioned frequency points the vehicle did not exhibit any malfunction which would cause
any degradation of performance which could cause confusion to other road users or any degradation in
the driver’s direct control of a vehicle fitted with the system which could be observed by the driver or
other road user.
TÜV Rheinland Luxemburg GmbH 2a, Kalchesbruck Telefon 00352 / 52 29 09 Page 19
L - 1852 Luxemburg Telefax 00352 / 52 31 05