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PAGE: 19/23 KU BOTA MODEL INFORMATION DOCUMENT Issue Date: 16 May. 2009 Corporation No.: B8-2003/37-01 Type: B8 Revision No.: 01 Revi. Date: 30 Nov. 2009 12. Miscellaneous 12. 1. Aud/ble Warn/ng dev/ce(s) (pos/t/on) see annex 12. 1. 12. 1. 1. EC component type-approval mark(s) see component type approval cert/f/cates sect/on 13. 14 2.2. Mechan/cal coupl/ngs between tractor and towed veh/cles 2.2. 1. Type(s) of coupl/ng 2.2.2. Trade-mark(s) see component type approval cert/f/cates sect/on 13. 3 2.2.3. EC component type-approval mark(s) 2.2.4. Dev/ce des/gned for a max/mum hor/zontal load of 12.0 kN (D-value) for a max/mum vert/cal load (/f any) of 490 daN (vert/cal load) 2.3. Hydraul/c l/ft: three po/nt coupl/ng yes 2.4. Power connect/on for l/ght/ng and l/ght- f/xed socket w/th 7 contacts /n accordance s/gnal/ng dev/ces on tra/ler (descr/pt/on) w/th ISO 1724 2.5. Installat/on, locat/on, funct/on/ng and see annex 12.5. mark/ng of controls (descr/pt/on, photographs or d/agrams) 2.6. Locat/on of rear reg/strat/on plate (shape see annex 12.6. and d/mens/ons) 2.7. Front coupl/ng dev/ce (d/mens/oned see annex 12.7. draw/ng) 2.8. Descr/pt/on on the on-board electron/cs not appl/cable used for the operat/on and control of the veh/cle-mounted or towed /mplements