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PAGE: 15/23 KU BOTA MODEL INFORMATION DOCUMENT Issue Date: 16 May. 2009 Corporation No.: B8-2003/37-01 Type: B8 Revision No.: 01 Revi. Date: 30 Nov. 2009 9.4.3. Pos/t/on(s) /n relat/on to tractor structure see annex 9.4.3. (draw/ngs) 9.4.4. F/x/ng method(s) see annex 9.4.4. 9.4.5. Opt/onal equ/pment that m/ght restr/ct not appl/cable the f/eld of v/s/on to the rear 9.4.6. Br/ef descr/pt/on of the electr/cal/ not equ/pped electron/c components (/f f/tted) of the adjust/ng system 9.5. Defrost/ng and dem/st/ng not equ/pped