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PAGE: 13/23 KU BOTA MODEL INFORMATION DOCUMENT Issue Date: 16 May. 2009 Corporation No.: B8-2003/37-01 Type: B8 Revision No.: 01 Revi. Date: 30 Nov. 2009 8. Brakes (overall sketch and operating sketch) 8. 1. Serv/ce brak/ng system 2 brake un/ts composed of wet 3 d/sks mounted between axle and wheel. Rat/o /s controlled mechan/cally by pedal see annex 8. 8.2. Secondary brak/ng system (/f f/tted) not equ/pped 8.3. Park/ng brake see annex 8. 8.4. Any add/t/onal Brak/ng dev/ce(s) (and not equ/pped espec/ally retarder) 8.5. For tractors w/th ant/-lock brak/ng not equ/pped system, descr/pt/on of system operat/on (/nclud/ng any electron/c parts), electr/c block d/agram, hydraul/c or pneumat/c c/rcu/t plan 8.6. L/st of brak/ng-system components, see annex 8.6. properly /dent/f/ed 8.7. D/mens/ons of the largest perm/ss/ble tyre s/ze: 9.5- 18 tyres on the brake axles overall D/a.: 895 mm overall w/dth: 243 mm stat/c Loaded Rad/us: 434 mm 8.8. Calculat/on for the brak/ng system see annex 8.8. (determ/nat/on of the rat/o of the total brak/ng forces at the c/rcumference of the wheels to the force appl/ed to the brak/ng control) 8.9. Lock/ng of left and r/ght brak/ng controls left and r/ght pedal can be comb/ned see annex 8.9. 8. 10. External energy source(s) (/f any) not equ/pped (character/st/cs, capac/ty of energy reservo/rs, max/mum and m/n/mum pressure, pressure gauge and m/n/mum- pressure warn/ng dev/ce on the dashboard, vacuum reservo/r and supply valve, supply compressors, compl/ance w/th prov/s/ons regard/ng pressure equ/pment) 8. 11. Veh/cles f/tted w/th tra/ler brake dev/ces not equ/pped