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PAGE: 7/23 KU BOTA MODEL INFORMATION DOCUMENT Issue Date: 16 May. 2009 Corporation No.: B8-2003/37-01 Revision No.: 01 Type: B8 Revi. Date: 30 Nov. 2009 3. ENGINE 3. 1. Parent eng/ne / eng/ne type 3.2. Essent/al character/st/cs of the fam/ly's parent eng/ne see component type approval cert/f/cates sect/on 13. 1 3.3. Essent/al character/st/cs of the eng/ne fam/ly 3.4. Essent/al character/st/cs of the eng/ne type 3.5. Fuel tank(s) 3.5. 1. Number, capac/ty, mater/als 1tank, 26L, Mater/al : h/gh dens/ty polyethylene res/n 3.5.2. Draw/ng, photograph or descr/pt/onsee annex 3.5.2. clearly /nd/cat/ng the pos/t/on of the tank(s) 3.5.3. Reserve fuel tank(s) not equ/pped 3.6. Nom/nal eng/ne power 15.8 kW at 2600 m/n- 1 (ECE-R24) 16. 1 kW at 2600 m/n- 1 (ECE-R120) 3.6. 1. Power at the power take-off (PTO), (/n accordance w/th Code 1 or 2 of the OECD or ISO 789- 10), /f any, at the rated speed(s) Rated speed PTO Correspond/ng eng/ne Var/ants: (m/n- 1) Power (kW) speed (m/n- 1) B2420D-* 540 / 978 2600 14.3 3.7. Max/mum torque 70 Nm at 1700 m/n- 3.8. Other tract/on eng/nes or motors not appl/cable (spark /gn/t/on, etc.), or comb/nat/ons thereof (character/st/cs of components) 3.9. A/r f/lter see annex 3.9. 3.9. 1. Make WAKO FILTER TECHNOLOGY 3.9.2. Type 6C046-5820 3.9.3. Average depress/on at max/mum 2.45 kPa power