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PAGE: 4/23 KU BOTA MODEL INFORMATION DOCUMENT Issue Date: 16 May. 2009 Corporation No.: B8-2003/37-01 Type: B8 Revision No.: 01 Revi. Date: 30 Nov. 2009 2. MASSES AND DIMENSIONS (in kg and mm) 2. 1. Unladen masses 2. 1. 1. Unladen masses /n runn/ng order see annex 2. 1. (serv/ng as a reference po/nt for the var/ous separate d/rect/ves) (/nclud/ng the roll-over protect/on structure, exclud/ng opt/onal accessor/es, but w/th coolant, lubr/cants, fuel, tools and dr/ver) --- max/mum --- m/n/mum 2. 1. 1. 1. D/str/but/on of these masses among see annex 2. 1. the axles 2.2. Max/mum masses as declared by the manufacturer 2.2. 1. Techn/cally perm/ss/ble max/mum see annex 2.2. laden masses of veh/cle accord/ng to the tyre spec/f/cat/on 2.2.2. D/str/but/on of these masses among see annex 2.2. the axles 2.2.3. L/m/t on the d/str/but/on of these see annex 2.2. masses among the axles (spec/fy the m/n/mum l/m/ts /n percentages on the front axle and on the rear axle) 2.2.3. 1. Masses and tyres see annex 2.2. 2.2.4. Payloads see annex 2.2. 2.3. Ballast masses (total we/ght, mater/al, total we/ght: 175kg number of components) mater/al: cast /ron, number of components: 5 front end hang/ng we/ght 25kg/each see annex 2.3. 2.3. 1 D/str/but/on of these masses among all on front axle the axles 2.4. Techn/cally perm/ss/ble towable masses for the tractor /n the case of