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TYpe-app~al nutroher: o4•'eda4'e0 The underRigıu_xl bereby certiile$ the asearauy of the inanufactuter's dexcripc:on ın the wraehed information. Lluellirlem of the s.ehkele rype tk-icribed alxwe, for whieh UN: ııl wes u.rd repırsentılıve jwrı¥ıks, selsıçıed by the eurnp?tent rinproval nuthorities, hae (Lı8y4r5 be.= Kut-ani:Led pronalypels)-c.fıhe vehiele 1y.re on41 ıhat ıSe attached teKi resmi% aro opplimble to the veitiele lypıı. The 5e.kcle Typo steeev~~1-fneer tho 1«hrtie.a.1 re,quit"uutrf 51.1 nflevant. aerıurdEc Diıectimıı5 ("iYıç last arneetIed liFted Lhe taLde of Artrkx. l ta Directive 2,1:1022241E,C. The 3rpuTvai ıs wrzntect'Fıgis9Ww.i.hfliriwgi'll, Place : Zneterımer Segnnnire Pale 12-Oct-21505 Attachrnenr_s: - Information doetarsent, Farts I and 2 (Anma II). - T e:d reirults tAncle. V f 5 - Nome 55 and gpeemles(s)1K rbe Nignanıre ofilxpersoıes Mıthm-Lucl Fasigıtthe con-ficares.of eonforunity and o aiateutent then po$ition t-r1 tbe eornpuQ. - A roodCi ceılıficale of ineffifnimit-y '''Cıchseut.ıtt nnı nmalitıbıe Atffrılitt ılitti■ifıt.ıim srandtc rı in ArkiLk I ınıT.A. .1.0{1rı 14ızr2