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313-MY-2009 16 19 FROM ORTAKI.RR TRRPHYR U Egarkgx5ı OFfrx Cgno'g E.gpıe Rcud 15,ix&15. R55 &XX Unkgel Wıngglon, 5goltchbenı,d, .14(0) 117 9515151 CRıxx€R.: .44 (R) 117959 112ffl fgx, +41 .10)117 9574109 ıs.rgıgin.0.5,1cg,gıt W&15,- IvIgw.v ktag,u4d .175 THE UNiTED KJNGDOM VEHICLE AfPROVAL AUTHORITY 30 March 2007 Dear Sir / Madem Communication of approvals in accordence with Paragraph 5 of Article 4 of Directive 92/53fEEC. Please find enctosed the following documents certifying the hornologation of the vehicte iri eccordance with Directive 70/1561EEC as amended by Directive 2001/116/EC: 1. Homologatlon oertificote el 1*88/14'0116"1 4 Revision 22 issued by the Vehicie Certiffcation Agency as the Approval Authority in the United Kngdom. 2, Information docurnent (Annex ill of Directive 92/53/EEC). Yours faithfully Mr A.W. Stenning Head of Product Certification Delete as applicable