Name adrions of marlufwturer c(f the ocanpld.,%i vehiele (5:A above
0,8. Name(s) 4ı.g1 address(es) of ess=bly Plant(s):
Japos Cars Linalted
Chester Road
Castle Value
£33.5 7RA.
United Kingdom
The V.,nderg ed hereby ~es the aocuraoy (Fr the tnanufacturer's de-szripdion In the attached ait-on-when
doowneut of the velaiek(s) descrihed sbove «a) gmtple(s) having be n seleetizd by the EC type-approval
gutbority and Yubtaitted by the manufactureire rototype(s) of the vehiele type) wid that the attaçhed test
results are appliob1e to tb veee type.
For oornplete and compIeted vehides/varionts
Ttie veh.itie type zueeb (5 the tz:obatiea1 reqvirehttents of eli the relevant separate Dire.ztives es prescribed in
AMICK TV and Anne"( Xt (4) to Etkeetive 1 970/I 56/E9f
Fov ir/complete vz:hiele-Vvoriteıts (1): Not applicable
The velole type znett a/data not ane« Ğ) the tedinjoal quire~ts of the sepa.~ Directives listed in the table
on side 2.
3. The approval is granted
The approval is 1!;ranted in s000rdance with Art:t* 6(2)(c) and the valid.ity of the approval is thus linitted
to ddhomlyy. Not appliçahle
Şignatizz: A W STENNING
Hcad of Produot CertybesUon
Dgte: 30 SEPTEMBER 2005
Attadtraents: Informahon pot-bw.
Tort leau)% (rhee Anrosx V11».
Nama(o) oz6 spoirnen(s) of ihe sa&nature(s) of ex perxm(s) oulhoriwki ta sign cçrti5Ç-15
eonformity &rad ot;«ernent of thafr Nsition in the enrnpany.
fithis ~ki ii uad tat type.-alivovıst puTeuerg ta krfide 8(2), it rrwy not lzflıa- thç-
vuhicle typo-approval z44tifiır4te" tzgeco the owe TC&111Xi Prag-b
Carökefision tam oppıoved the it wart.