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United Kioglerti Web Site: www.vea.g.v.uk
VER1CLE MaTtgled1/41101,1 ACir-NCY
30September 2005
Dear Sir / Madam
Commemication of approvala inliocordsmce with Paragraph 5 of AJliele 4 of Direetive 92153/2EC.
Please tind eneloeed the following documents CertifyiDgtbe luiniologatiou of the vehiele in nocordanoe witb
Direenve 70/i 56/1:EC sannendod by Direotive 200 1 ıl I 6/EC:
1.Flomolosation 031~ el I*2001)116*027200 I:tevision, 00 issued by the Vailicle
Certification ,A.gency as the Approval Autino.rity in the United Kingdom,
2. Information document (Anım III of Direetive 92153İEBC).
3. Test restilts sineet (AmneecVfII'zıt' Direetive 92/53/EF„C).
NEnne sdspeeimen of the signaterre of the person atithorised to sign
oertificates of oonfonnity uni3 their position in tbe ~any:
Your faithfully
Rob Nixon
Senior Engineto'
Wbolo Vekete Approval