Type-approval number: e4*2003/37*2005/67*0025*00
Where incomplete of completed vehicles or variants are concerned, this EC type-approval is based on
the EC type-approval(s) of incomplete vehicles referred to below: N.A.
Stage 1: — Manufacturer of base vehicle
— EC type-approval number
— Date
— Variants concerned
Stage 2: — Manufacturer
— EC type-approval number
— Date
— Variants concerned
Stage 3: — Manufacturer
- EC type-approval nurnber
— Date
— Variants concerned
Where the EC type-approval covers one more incomplete variants, a list of the variants which are
complete or completed:
List of requirements applying t es of type-approved incomplete vehicle or variants:
(Where appropriate, acc t being taken of the scope and most recent amendment of each of the
separate directives ref ed to below.)
Heading Subject Directive Last amended Variant(s)
' .
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