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GUANG34011 DAYANG lıtOTORCYCLE CO., LTD. leferffiellere elocuenant: 200104-M01504:C ApplefiNen de*: "Airy 10. 2005 102E,24+1C APINIEX waıum-nooı Documewr " P MIT INFORMATION "'ELA-TUNG ..100fTL Y TO ILIOPEDS, MOTOR CYCLES. MOTOR TRICYCLES AND OUADRICYCLES Girmemi 0 1 Melte DAYLIN: F ENGCHI 0_2. Tyl . Miii» any pouble verıani anxi DY150 ipereicine werlare and eacil velaıon +mei be idanilied lı CO•15) coneleang ol ~barı reı awribinaben inen ıtnd nurecersi 02,1. Cama-nem* neme .,•0-0ere affeicabat) C R U ISER F C 1.50 Milano of %ipe iCentificabonii*kaleci on a beilelde 1e0011011 of Mai rrıGan$ ıcbCr*rrıCabOn nı 0.4. L3e Name eind ~ses of rherneectwe GUANGZHOU DAYANG LICITD.RCYCLE CO , LTD NO 12, YONGF A ROAD, HUADU DISTR ICT . Gu»4G,Emou cırY, GLIANGDONG PRONANCE 11C400, P R Chlırkı Hilfibb(B)11011edareeee{e} of aeearni" GUANGZHOU DAYANG MOTORCYCLE CO-. LTD. NO 12, YONGFA IROAD, DISTRICT, GUANGZHOU CITY, GUANGDONG PROVINCE, 510000, FR Clere 0.1 Name and ~re** of rnermiliceirees Not ~ebbe mulhOneed lapnesentatNe, eny 0.7 LiccNIon and rniehod cfedlIalnie etilLflonfSlatutOno inecnphon in the frOrd Paht ıre~1. Il M* cheeele elde of etsem; heıd. 0_7.1. Thil numbiekva of the [ipe hagine utsPcKLY'... 51000002 edil No The ninth charecter ~erdi check number cala.Weted eutornaCely by posaible ~noter including •Mİ.1.2,3.4,5,8,7,8,0)e Reıİocflwrıg No DY150-45 0.8 Rawiffin4 rıo4 ofolizeıg Mark on the zulme of Ittre corhecebeni type-epprow$ malı lot COsT~Ot and mı by FrXıikillrıg compenenta mil =pante inchıecal General ırrıngeenara ef the PholfA âncifor drawinge, of a tyrrikal Refer la drawırig No [3'1150-01 vohicle