Kullanım Kılavuzları
TÜV Kraftfahrt GmbH TÜV Rheinland Group Accreditation: Technical Report No.: 85-2002/24-1005/06 R DW-99050014-02 TÜVRheinlard Manufacturer : Guangzhou Dayang Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Type : DY125-36A 44. Anchorage points for safety belts and : not applicable safety belts for vehicle with bodywork 45. Speedometer : according to SD 2000/7/EC, refer to WVTA No. e4*2002/24*0438*07 Conformity checks : requirements fulfilled Approval number : not applicable 46. Identification of controls, teli-tales and : according to SD 93/29/EEC amend. 2000/74/EC, indicators refer to WVTA No. e4*2002/24*0438*07 Conformity checks : requirements fulfilled Approval number : not applicable 47. Statutory inscriptions : according to SD 93/34/EEC amend. 1999/25/EC, refer to WVTA No. e4*2002/24*0438*07 Conformity checks : requirements fulfilled Approval number : not applicable Location of statutory plate : refer to WVTA No. e4*2002/24*0438*07 TOV Kraftfahrt GmbH Technologiezentrum Verkehrssicherheit Page 12 TON/ Rheinland Group Typprüfstelle Fahrzeuge/Fahrzeugteile Am Grauen Stein, D-51105 Köln (Poll)