Kullanım Kılavuzları
GUANGZHOU DAYANG MOTORCYCLE CO., LTD. EC CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY The undersigned: Yuan Wusheng Hereby certifies that the following vehicle: 0.1. Make: DAYUN; DAYANG; Fengchi; NIPPONIA; moto- magnus; branson; ANATOLIA MOTORS 0.2. Type: DY125-36A Variant: Version: 0.2.1 Commercial name(s) (where DY125-36A; FC125-36A; NR125X; BM125; appropriate): SARDES 125 0.4. Vehicle category: L3e 0.4.1. Vehicle category according to DirecfiveB 97/24/EC,Chapter 7 (if applicable): 0.5. Name and address of the manufacturer: GUANG ZHOU DAYANG MOTORCYCLE CO., LTD. NO.12, YONGFA ROAD, HUADU DISTRICT, GUANGZHOU CITY, GUANGDONG PROVINCE, 510800, P.R.0 0.6. Location of the statutory plate: C, x302, yO, z829 Vehicle identifıcation number: LXSPCILY252502004 0.7. Location of the vehicle identifıcation R, x330, y21.5, z839 number on the chassis: Conforms in all respects to the type described in EC type-approval — EC type-approval number: e4*2002/24*0438*08 —dated: MMMM DD, YYYY The vehicle can be permanently registered without requiring any further approvals, for driving on the right and left and for using metric and imperial units for the speedometer. Guangzhou, P. R. China MMMM DD, YYYY (place) (date) Director (signature) (position)