- Keep the hairdryer away from heat,
- Before using this product, please read direct sunlight, moisture, sharp edges
the instruction manual carefully. and suchlike.
- Please keep these instructions, the - Never use the hairdryer unsupervised!
guarantee certificate, the sales receipt Switch off the hairdryer whenever you
and, if possible the gift box with the are not using it, even if this is only for
inner packaging. a moment.
- The product is intended exclusively - Use only original accessories.
for private and not for commercial use. - Do not use the hairdryer outdoors.
- Always remove the plug from the - Under no circumstances must the
socket whenever the hairdryer is not device be placed in water or other
in use, when attaching accessory liquid, or come into contact with liquid.
parts, cleaning the device or whenever Do not use the hairdryer with wet or
a disturbance occurs. Switch off the moist hands.
device beforehand. Pull on the plug, - Should the hairdryer become moist or
not on the cable. wet, remove the mains plug from the
- In order to protect children from the socket immediately. Do not reach into
dangers of electrical appliances, never the water.
leave them unsupervised with the - Use the hairdryer only for the intended
hairdryer. Consequently, when purpose.
selecting the location for your hairdryer, - Additional protection is offered by the
do so in such a way that children do installation of a fault current protective
not have access to the hairdryer. Take device with a rated breaking current
care to ensure that the cable does not of not more than 30 mA in the domestic
hang down. electrical system. Ask a professional
- Test the hair dryer and the cable electrician for advice.
regularly for damage. If there is - Damaged connective leads must be
damage of any kind, the hairdryer replaced immediately. This should only
should not be used. be carried out by a specialist as
- Do not repair the hairdryer yourself, special tools are required. Only original
but rather consult an authorized expert. spare parts or leads of the same type
should be used.