Solutions for the problems a softer and lighter crust replace the sugar
a) Measure the ingredients correctly. with honey.
b) Adjust the ingredient doses and check that - Gluten which is produced in the flour during
all the ingredients have been added. the kneading provides for the structure of the
c) Use another liquid or leave it to cool at room bread. The ideal flour mixture is composed of
temperature. Add the ingredients specified in 40% wholemeal flour and 60%of white flour.
the recipe in the right order. Make a small - If you would like to bake wholemeal bread
ditch in the middle of the flour and put in the with a low proportion of wheat gluten it may
crumbled yeast or the dry yeast. Avoid letting also be necessary to knead the bread by
the yeast and the liquid come into direct hand. See also the section “Questions on
contact. Baking”.
d) Use only fresh and correctly stored ingredients.- If you wish to add cereals grains, leave them
e) Reduce the total amount of the ingredients, to soak overnight. Reduce the quantity of flour
do not use more than the specified amount and the liquid.(up to 1/5 less)
of flour. Reduce all the ingredients by 1/3 - Leaven is dispensible with rye flour. It contains
f) Contact the amount of liquid. If ingredients milk anda acetobacteria that make the bread
containing water are used, the dose of the lighter and ferment thoroughly. You can make
liquid to be added must be duly reduced. your own leaven but it takes time. For this
g) in case of very humid weather remove 1- 2 reason concentrated leaven powder is used
tablespoons of water. in the recipes below. The powder is sold in
h) In case of warm weather do not use the timing 15g packets (for 1 kg of flour).Follow the
function. Use cold liquids. instructions given in the recipes(1/2, 3/4 or 1
i) Take the bread out of the tin immediately after packet).If less leaven that requested is used
baking and leave it on the grid to cool for at the bread will crumble.
least 15 minutes before cutting it. - If leaven powders with a different concentration
j) Reduce the amount of yeast or of all the (100g packet for 1 kg of flour) are used, the
ingredient doses by 1/4 quantity of flour must be reduced by 80g for
k) Never grease the tin! a 1kg of flour.
l) Add a tablespoon of wheather gluten to the - Liquid leaven sold in bags is also available
dough. and it is suitable for use. Follow the doses
specified on the package. Fill the measuring
Remarks on the Recipes beaker with the liquid leaven and top it up with
1. Ingredients the other liquid ingredients in the right doses
Since each ingredients plays a specific role as specified in the recipe.
for the succesful baking of the bread, the - Wheat leaven which often comes dry improves
measuring is just as important as the order in the workability of the dough, the freshnesss
which the ingredients are added. and the taste. It is milder that rye leaven.
- The most important ingredients like the liquid, - Use either the NORMAL or WHOLEMEAL
flour, salt, sugar and yeast (either dr yor fresh program when baking leavened bread.
yeast can be used) affect the successful - Baking ferment can used to replace the leaven.
outcome of the preparation of the dough and The only difference is in the taste. It is fit to
the bread. Always use the right quantities in be used in the bread baking machine.
the right proportion. - Wheat bran is added to the dough ıf yo want
- Use lukewarm ingredients if the dough needs particularly light bread rich in roughage. Use
to be prepared imediately. If you wish to set on tablespoon for 500g of flour and increase
the program phase timing function, it is the quantity of liquid by 1/2 tablespoon.
advisable to use cold ingredients to avoid that - Wheat gluten is a natural additive obtained
the yeast starts to rise too early. from wheat proteins. It makes the bread lighter
- Margarine, butter and milk affect the flavor of and more voluminous. The bread falls in more
the bread. rarely and it is more easily digestible. The
- Sugar can be reduced by 20% to make the effect can be easily appreciated when baking
crust lighter and thinner without affecting the wholemeal and other bakery products made
successful outcome of the baking. If you prefer of home-milled flour.