8.End of the program phases After use always leave the appliance to
After the programme has finished, please cool before cleaning it or putting it away. It
switch the device off by turning the function takes about half an hour for the appliance
switch(L) to OFF. Now remove the baking to cool and to be ready again for baking
tin using an oven cloth, turn it over and if and kneading.
the loaf does not fall out onto the grid
immediately-turn the kneading mechanim Before cleaning pull out the plug and leave
backwards and forwards a few times from tha appliance to cool. Use a mild detergent.
underneath until the breadd falls out. If the Never use chemical cleaning agents,
kneading hook becomes stuck in the bread, gasoline, oven cleaners or any detergent
move it slightly upwards so that you can that can scratch or ruin the coating.
see the position of the propeller. The use
a knife to cut along the propeller. You can Remove all the ingredients and crumb from
easily remove the kneading hook. the lid, casing and baking compartment
with a moist towel. Never dip the appliance
Baking can be stopped at any time by in water nor fill the baking compartment
pressing the START/STOP button. At the with water! For easy cleaning the lid can
same time a sound is heard and control be removed by positioning it vertically and
lamp goes off. pulling it out.
Heating the appliance to make the dough Wipe the out side of the baking tin with a
rise moist towel. The inside of the tin can be
The heating is switched only if the room washed with some detergent liquid. Do not
temperature is lower than 25°C.If the room leave it too long dipped in water.
temperature is above 25°C the ingredients
are already at the right temperature and Both the kneading pegs and drive shaft
there is no need for pre-heating. For the needs to be cleaned immediately after use.
first and second rising the room temperature If the kneading pegs remain in the tin, it
must be above 25°C or high enough to becomes difficult to remove them
make the dough rise without extra heating. afterwards. In this case fill the container
with warm water and leave it to rest for 30
Cleaning and Maintenance minutes. Then remove the kneading pegs.
Before using the appliance for the first time
wash the bread making machine’s baking The baking tin has a nonstick coating. Do
tin (never dip in the water) with a mild not use metal objects that can scratch the
detergent and clean the kneading parts. surface when cleaning it. It is normal that
the color of coating changes over the course
It is highly recommended to coat the new of time. This change does not after it
baking tin and the kneading pegs with heat effecitveness in any way whatsoever.
resistant Grease before using them for the
first time and let them heat in the oven for Before putting the appliance away for
about 10 minutes. Once these have cooled storeage, make sure that it is perfectly cool
down clean away (polish) the grease from and dry. Put the appliance away with the
the baking tin with a sheet of paper towel. lid closed.
This operation is to be performed to protect
the non-stick coating.Operation can be
repeated from time to time.