along with the main ingredients. Dried on the dough, and close the lid.
herbs and spices such as cinnamon,
ginger, oregano, parsley and basil will Other information
add flavor and interest. Use small Dough expands when baked. Allow for
quantities (1-2 teaspoons) to avoid this when filling the loaf tin. If you think
overpowering the flavor of the bread. something hasn’t baked for long enough,
Fresh herbs, such as garlic and chives you can leave it in the loaf tin and use
may contain enough liquid to upset the this program to bake it for a bit longer.
balance of the recipe, so adjust the liquid When you select the bake program, the
content. display shows 10 minutes. You can
Be wary of cinnamon and garlic – they increase this in 10 minute steps to 1 hour,
are not dough-friendly. They can damage by using the timer buttons. If you want to
the structure of the dough. Don’t add bake for any time other than
more than is shown in the recipe. If you 10/20/30/40/50 minutes or 1 hour, use
want extra garlic or cinnamon on your the 10 minute setting above the time you
bread, it is better to apply them as a want, and then switch off manually at the
spread or a dip after you have baked the time you want.
Storing bread
Nuts & Fruits Commercial bread may contain additives
Dried fruit and nuts should be chopped (chlorine, chalk, coal-tar dye, sorbitol,
finely; cheese should be grated; soya, etc.). Your bread won’t, so it won’t
chocolate chips should definitely be look or keep like commercial bread. On
chips, not lumps. Don’t add more than the plus side, it won’t taste like
the recipe requires, otherwise the bread commercial bread either – it will taste like
may not rise properly. bread should. It is best eaten fresh, but
Be careful with fresh fruit and nuts. They you can store it for a couple of days at
contain liquids (juices and oils), so you room temperature in a polythene bag
may need to adjust the main liquid with the air squeezed out. To freeze, let
ingredient to compensate. Nuts and it cool, put it in a polythene bag, remove
things can be added with the rest of the all the air, then seal it. For best results,
ingredients, but it is generally better to let it defrost then rest at room temperature
add them when the machine beeps, for a bit before serving.
during the program. For example, if you
are using walnuts, putting them at in the 6. TROUBLESHOOTING
beginning of the program will give the
kneading arm ample time to seek them If the bread collapsed
out and pulverize them. If you add them • The dough may be too moist. Reduce
at the beep, they have got a fair chance the recipe liquid by -cup.
of making it through the program in • If tinned fruit was used, it may not have
It will beep about 5 minutes into the been properly drained.
second kneading to tell you to add fruit, • Leaving the bread in the bread pan while
nuts, etc. Open the lid, lay the ingredients it cools can cause moisture released in