Kullanım Kılavuzları
You may help to protect the environment! Please remind to follow the local regulations: Please discard your non-operating or unused kitchenware into suitable recycle bins. PERIOD OF WARRANTY AND REPAIR The product is guaranteed tor 2 (years) as of the date Of sale. The period Oi repair lot the detective product at authorized repair & maintenance service 30 (thirty) working days PRODUCT LIFESPAN The lifespan ot the product is 10 years.. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY: CE UYGUNLUK BELGESi: No: 12-3-00665-02 Tarihi: 7 Mays 2012 CE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: NO: 12-B-00665-02 Date Of Receipt May 7, 2009 EMSAN MUTFAK GEREVLERi SANAYi VE TICARET A.s. Address Of Central Service: EMSAN MUTFAK GERECLERi SANAYi TiCARET A.$. Basen ékspres Yolu NO. Ig Halkali- KüGükqekmece-istanbub'TLlRKEY Tel: +90 212 495 2222 Fax: +90 212 495 45 Manufacturing Company: ALPiN VELiK MUTFAK GEREGLERi SANAYi VE TiCARET LTD. *Ti. Yakuplu Merkez Mah. aaklrc.llar Sanayi Sitesi Aqelya Cad. No: 11 Büyükgekrnece-istanbul -re': 0212 875 0222 Faks: 0212 875 0206 ENSAN MUTFAK GEREGLERI SANAYi ve 35