Kullanım Kılavuzları
Doosan Infracore EC DECLARAT1ON OF CONFORMITY Datc Fcb 23h , 2010 Thc Undersigned W,S.Choi, Uenend Manager of Nıosan Infracore Cu.. 1,1c1 loçated iıı 7-1 I. 1-lwasu-Dong, Dong-G'u, fncheon, Kırca c..ertifies that the construction •.:,..ıuiprrıent machincry: 1 ;Tie Machine Mini Exeuvator hianufacturer. DOOSAN INFRACORE CO.. 1,TD. Model Name DX55 Serial N urnber. Year of Construction: 201C Engine Manufacturer: YANMAR t.:(1,.LTD Engine Typo: 4114 V98-Z Ratod Net Power: 4 1.5kW/2_0C1Orpm Pertinent noise enaission requirentent: Has been manufactured in conforrnity with the provisions of the Directive 2005,88fEC ( The 110İŞC Emission in the environment bw the cqu pment for uNe out cloons. Stage - il, amended 2000.141C) - G:rtificate No.; 0R/013 1 13/002 Date: 1 fr Dec, 2009 - Conforrnity Assessınent Procedure: Anncx V1 Internal control of orixi. With assessment - Notirıed Body inNolved: TI IV SUD Industrie Sen:i et: Gmbh Notiflect Body 0036 for F..C• 2005188/EC FE: Machinery Direct] ve and Nili-nem other D irecti.ves applicable: flas hi2C11 manufactured in conformity with thc provisions of A } 1)irecti%e:2006i42.+F.C{Machincryı - Confocınity Assessment Proccduırc: Annex VIII, Assewhent of conformity with Intel-nal eheck:s on the manufacture of machincry - Duelared Body involved Doosan Infracore Co.. Ltd. P.O.Box 7-II. H wasu-Dong. Dong-Gu. Incheon.401-702, Korea B} Di met] vc.: 2004i26/W111e Emission ot. Gaseous and 12artLeUlaic Pol I utanis. Stage - 11IA. arrıendiog directive;97/68/EC) Ccnitleate No : e4'97/681A■2004r:26*01 52+02 - Technical Report Na: 83-C297-13302 1694-E4-1397 68-0152-02 - Nati fied Body Involved ; RDW. P.0, Box 777_ 2700 AT loctermeer. The Nederlands C ı Directive:2004/108/EC(Electromognetic Comparibility) - Cen ificatc No : E9 06 08 56335 O10 - Technical Report No: 74907238 Nod tied Body iııvolved Product Service Gmbh, Zertifizierstelle. Ridlerstrasse 65, 80339 Munchen, Germany D) (hhers : 97123/EC, 1 2 100- LEN 1 2 1 00-2, F.N4 74-1 .EN 474-.5 Me-asurcd Sound Power Lever : 97 dB(A) Civaranteed Sound Power Lever : 98 d11(..At Authorii.ed Repırcsentati%e and Keeper of Technical Pile AccordMg to the following directives of the European Parliament and Council of the Dinli:Çan ılion 2006/42/LC. 2005/88/EC. 2004/1 08/EC and 2004126fEC DISTRIBUTOR ./ YETKILI TEMSILCI : SANKO MAKINA PAZARLAMA VE TICARET A.S. !STA N 111 11, [MANCH. Y AKAVIK IR IRR1YET MAIL ANKARA ASFALT!, E - 5 YAN YOL UZER!. NO:57 KAR 1 A t. - ISTANBUL/1U RK1Y E TEL + 90 2 16 453 04 06 W.S.Choi .,' General Manager C.F F.xp-orr Department