Kullanım Kılavuzları
U KAS QUALITY MANAG EMLN I 043 This certificate has been awarcled to DOOSAN İNFRACORE CO., LTD. ft 7-11, liwasu-dong, Dorıg-gu, Inoheon, Karea in recognition of the organization's Quality System which comp]ies with ISO 9001:2008 The scope of activities covered by this ccıtificate is dermecl bdow - D ESIGNI DEVELOPMENTİPRODuCTIoNiSALES 8: SERVICING F EARTH-MoviNG MACHINERY SALES 8: SERVICING OF CoNcRETE PUMP TRUCK, TOWER CRANES C criificaic Nttnıbr: 3522 Ise No 6 Date of Issuc: 03 Septern ber 2009 30/May/2001) Expiry Date: 31 July 2010 'SN Lled İky t7rr;heli3ıf of fhe R i‘; Trenber .or Re.Ji•-■1';İC of Su I r ;I I :1.k.