Kullanım Kılavuzları
VEHICLE CERTIFICATION AGENCY The United Kingdom Vehicie Approval Authorit-y EEC VEHICLE TYPE APPROVAL CERTIFICATE FOR COMPLETE VEHICLES Communication concerning type approval of a type of vehicle with regarcl to Directive 70/156/EEC as last amencled by Directive 2001/116/EC Type approval number: ell*2001/116*0141*013 Reason(s) for extension: Ta cover: Update part III systems approval listing (subject items: 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16,- 17, 20, 39 and 40) Update manufacturer's narne Update Şaloon photographs Update maximum net power and torque for 2.7L 0.1 Make (trade name of manufacturer): Chrysler 0.2 Type: LX 0.2.1 Commercial name(s): 300C, 300C SRT8 0.3 Means of identification of type, if marked on vehicle: by means of vehicle iclentification number 0.3.1 Location of that marking: ,engraved on right front shock towpr 0.4 Category of vehicle M1 0.5 Name and address of the rnanufacturer of the complete vehiele: Chrysler LLQ 1000 Chrysler Drive AubUrn Hills, Michigan 48328-2766 USA'