Type...apprmıal number e42001/116*006R*13
The aridersig,ned hereby eertifies the aceuracy of the tnannfacturer' s deseription in the attached information doeument of the
vehicle(s) descbed alıove (a. sample(s) having been sciceted by the EĞ approval authority and RubrniEted by the
manufacturer as prototypes) of the rehicle type and that the attached test resylls are applicable to the vehicle type.
L For complete and completed vehicles variants : The i.-ehicie type meetsWees-ne4-ne« the teehMeal.
requirements of alt the relevant separate Directives as
presg.Tibed in Anncx P: and Anncx XI to Directive
2. Fur ineomplete vehicles variants The vehiale type meetsidoes not meet the teehnie al
nide 2_
3. The approval is Ciranted! rdJwdwn
4. The approval ta granted in aceordance with Al-Ilde
(2).(e) and the validily of the- approvgi is Elws Nui eppin:a.ble
United to
Zoetermeer December 17, 2407
(Place) (Signature) (Date)
Artaehments: Information package (information folder 9.2_kage.s.)
Test results (sea Annex VIII)
NB: If this model is used for type-approval to Article 8 (2), it must not beni- the heading `EEC veLicl
approval eertificate' except in the case referred to in paragraph 2 (e} where the Corn tga ved
the report.
Jk.k. ,
P.O. BOX 777 TeL *31(0)79 345 81 43 Vehicie Approval and Informahon
2700 AT Zeetermeer Fax +31 (0)74 345 80 33
The Netherlands.