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Tip Onayl | 49 13 Tip Onayl Certificate Type Examination No. EC-86/10/061 issued to'. in respect Of: Bosch Termoteendiogia S. A. E. N. km 9.7 -cacia 380 -856 Aveiro Portugal Gas fired instantaneous water heaters for the production of domestic hot water, fitted with atmospheric burners as listed on page 2 Samples representative production have tested and examined and found to convly with the essential Requirements as deta'lod in Annex of Council Directive 039/' 42'EC European Gas Appliaree Directive as tran40$edby the UK Statutory Instrument 1995 NO, 1629. For and on behalf of the British Standards Outitulion, a Notified Body for the above Directive (Notified Number 0086): David Ford, Director, Healthcare and Testing Services UKAS First Ii.suod: 23 June 2010 raising standards worldwide Dato: 23 June 2010 page; of 3 Res. 65 6 726 (2011/07)