Kullanım Kılavuzları
Saving energy Install the appliance in a dry, ventilated room. The appliance must be installed out of direct sunl ght and away from heat sources (e.g. heating elements, cooker). Use an insulating plate if necessary. Allow hot food and drinks to cool before placing them in the appliance. • Place frozen food that is to be defrosted in your cooling compartment. Use the low temperature of the frozen food to cool down food. Open the appliance door for as little time as possible. Clean the rear side of the appliance occasionally with a vacuum cleaner or brush in order to avoid increased power consumption. en Operating noises Completely normal noises Humming Motors running (e g. refrigeration units, ventilator). Bubbling, whirring or gurgling noises Refrigerant is flowing through the pipes. Clicking Motors, switches or solenoid valves are switching on/off. Crackling Automatic defrosting is taking place. Preventing noises If the appliance is positioned unevenly Align the appliance using a spirit level. Use the threaded feet for this, or place something underneath the feet. If the appliance is touching adjacent units or appliances Move the appliance away from adjacent furniture or appliances. Containers or shelves are wobbling or sticking Check the removable parts and reinsert them if necessary. If bottles or containers are touching Move the bottles or containers apart slightly. 19