BMW Group Datum 27.10.2009
Beschreibungsbogen zur Fahrzeug-Typgenehnnigung 5L Sefte 1 von 1
Information docunnent for vehicle type-approval 5L Page 1 of 1
Liste der Varia nten und Versionen
List of variants and versions
Variante Version Hande isbezeichnung Art des Aufbaus Antriebs-rnasc Lenkung Antriebsachsen
Variant Commer. Descript. Body Style hine Steering Powered Axles
FP31 B5 523i Umousine N52B25A* Linkslenker 1
Saloon Left-hand drive
FP32 B5 523i Umousine N52B25A* Rechtslenker 1
Saloon Right-hand drive
FS11 5A, 5B 523i Umousine N53 B30A Linkslenker 1
Saloon Left-h and drive
FS12 5A, 5B 5231 Umousine N53B30A Rechtslenker 1
Saloon Right-hand drive
FW51 5A, 5E3, 6B 530d Umousine N57D30A Linkslenker 1
Saloon Left-h and drive
FW52 5A, 5B 530d Umousine N57D30A Rechtslenker 1
Saloon Right-hand drive
FR71 5A, 5B 535i Umousine N55B30A Linkslenker 1
Saloon Left-h and drive
FR72 5A, 5B 535i Umousine N55E330A Rechtslenker 1
Saloon Right-hand driı
Version .,
5A Ha ndschaltun g
manual transmission
5B Autorretik
6B Automatik EU6
automatic EU6
B5 • Autorretik RcIW
automatic RoW
del 9108