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REFERANS KAYNAKLARI Lazer güvenliği ve referans kaynakları hakkında ek bilgi aşağıdaki kaynaklardan elde edilebilir: ANSI Z136.3 The Safe Use of Lasers in Health Care Facilities American National Standards Institute, (ANSI), 1988. AORN: Standards, Recommended Practices and Guidelines. 2006 edition: Recommended Practices for Laser Safety in the Practice Settings. Pg 565-570 Safety Considerations for the Use of Medical Lasers The Nursing Spectrum of Lasers Pfister, Kneedler, Purcell, Education Design, 1988, Pg. 70-72. Lasers: The Perioperative Challenge Ball, Kay A.. 3rd edition, Denver, AORN, Inc. 2004 Diffuse Reflections Endoscopic Surgery: Is Laser Safety Eye wear Really Needed? Radiant Resources Newsletter, Winter 1992, Rockwell Laser Industries. Safety xxi